
Hampshire Ladies Golf

Club Delegates Info

Role of a Delegate

Each of our Affiliated Clubs nominates an HLG Club Delegate; this delegate is also the Voting Member at HLG AGMs.  Club Delegates play a vital role in ensuring their club is kept abreast of HLG news and upcoming competitions as well as representing their club’s views to HLG. Note: as the Club Delegate is a Voting Member of  HLG Ltd they must have paid the Hampshire affiliation fee ie in most cases this means they must be a full member of the Club they are representing.

Download the latest job description below:

Job Description

Changing the Club Delegate

When the Delegate at a club changes, it is essential that the club completes the Delegate Change Form (below) to formally transfer the Voting Rights and amend contact details. The link will take you to a PDF which you can download, complete and then scan and return to the Company Secretary at

Once you have confirmed the new delegate and their email address, the Company Secretary (HLG County Secretary) will add you to the Register of Members and the mailing list. 

Once these tasks are complete you will be sent a copy of the form you submitted.

Note: due to GDPR the IG tool used will also ask you to confirm you are willing to be added to the mailing list (sorry about that, its hard coded into the system!) 

If you encounter any problems with the process please contact the County Secretary at

delegate change form

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