
Hampshire Ladies Golf

HLG Championship Round 2 Rules

Round 2 of a 36 hole medal qualifier for players with a handicap index of + to 9.9

Round 1 of a 36 hole medal qualifier for players with a handicap index of + to 9.9

The draw for the match play rounds for the Championship will be made
according to the automatic draw and shall be posted as soon as possible after the end of play of the
qualifying competition. Each match, including the final, shall consist of one round of 18 holes. A
match that ends all square should be played off hole by hole until one side wins a hole. In a handicap
match, handicap strokes should be taken as in the stipulated round. In singles handicap match play
events, the handicap allowance shall be the full difference of the Course Handicaps.
The 36 hole qualifier is primarily a scratch competition, with some prize vouchers being
awarded for the best handicap scores.

The contact for this competition is Competition Admin

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